„...Wow, I think this is a study in technique, precision, and artistic excellence for any guitar player or fan. Very highly recommended! Great work...“
www.guitar-radio.com (USA)
„...himmlisch-ergreifende Melodien mit teuflisch-fiesen Riffs. Das 17 Songs anhaltende Glaubensbekenntnis des Österreichers beinhaltet eingängige Melodien, mitreißende Songstrukturen und alles andere als verkopften Angeber-Shred. Vor allem die Synthese diverser Stile und Gitarrensounds sowie das amtliche Spiel Knolls zeichnen dieses Album aus...“
www.guitar.de (Germany)
„...If you are a guitar lover you have to get his album! Amazing feel , a man speaking with his instrument is rare, it’s just beautiful and kicks you in the butt. 100/100...“
www.themetalmag.com (France)
full interview here
„...His powerful riffs and explosive solos are likely to appeal to hard rock and metal fans, but anyone should be able to feel the multitude of emotions he channels through his instrument...“
www.60stoday.com (UK)
full interview here
„...In his hands the guitar never lies; not only gently weeps, it roars and screams too (...) There are not many guitar heroes left. Johannes Maria Knoll is definitely one of them...“
www.radiorevolta.com (Poland)
full review here
„...Im Trio eingespielt, erweisen sich die Stücke des zeitlich ausufernden Albums als kurzweilige Instrumental-Abfahrten, die gekonnt über den gefährlichen Grat zwischen virtuos und stimmungsvoll führen...“
www.rockhard.de (Germany)
full review here
„...This is pretty damn impressive!..."
www.pubrock.co.za (South Africa)
„...Trabahlo magnifico, parabéns!..."
www.morcegaofm.com.br (Brazil)
„Quando vimos a quantidade de faixas assustamo-nos (17!) e pensamos que nos iriamos fartar rapidamente. Apesar de ser enorme (acima dos setenta minutos). "Transcended" e interessante do inicio ao final (...) este e um traballho de grande qualidade que recomendamos..."
World of Metal (Portugal)
„...Wir von Radio Barbarossa vergeben an dieser Stelle die volle Punktzahl und sagen schlicht: Danke für dieses großartige Werk...“
www.radio-barbarossa.com (Germany)
full review here
„...musikalisch bekommt man eine erstaunlich technische Gitarrenarbeit geboten, bei der es vor allem Musikerkollegen schwer fallen wird, den Mund wieder zu schliessen. Wir reden hier nicht von wildem Gefrickel und Poser-Shred sondern von intelligenten rockigen Riffs und spannenden Melodien.."
www.metalinside.ch (Switzerland)
full review here
„... ‘Transcended’ is a record to listen from beginning to end and enjoy the ride and the experience. If you like rock! it is 100% guaranteed that Johannes’s work will catch your ear...“
www.piraterocksmx.com (Mexico)
full review here
„... if you're a fan of screamin' electric guitar, DO NOT MISS THIS!!!!...“
www.thebasementtapeswithnickandbootsy.rocks (USA)
„...He resurrects the days of legitimate rock and roll on his debut release "transcended“...“
www.theantidoteradio.com (Canada)
full review here
„...ein instrumentales Rockalbum bei dem jedem Gitarrenfan der Mund offen bleibt, so genial sind seine Solis und Songs...“
www.freequenns.at (Austria)
„...If you’re into music like The Extremist era Joe Satriani then you should tune in...“
www.metalexpressradio.com (Norway)
„ ...Thats great! (...) That was the best 2 instrumentals to EVER hit my inbox!...“
www.hrrnrocks.com (USA)
„ ...O som da guitarra é uma revelação...“
www.roxx2metal.blogspot.com (Portugal)
full review here
„...there is some sick guitar shredn going on here...“
www.christianmoltenmetalbands.weebly.com (USA)
„...GitarrenFusionrock, der Laune macht und durch seine Vielseitigkeit glänzt. Sehr zu empfehlen! ...“
www.inhard.de (Germany)
full review here
„...the 17-song-strong record of Johannes Maria Knoll is a heavy rocking piece of modern sound and energy...“
www.stateofguitars.net (Austria)
full review here
„...lead guitarists could learn a lot from this man about how to be part of a band whilst also shining...“
www.crossrhythms.co.uk (UK)
full review here
„...Viel mehr – und das beeindruckend – erweist sich Knoll als wahrer Shredder, der mit seinen beiden Kollegen brutal loslegt...“
www.concerto.at (Austria)
„...Altamente recomendado..."
www.motardfm.org (Portugal)
„..."transcended" is an absolute guitar lovers delight..."
www.itzezbreezy.com (USA)
full review here
„...ein ganz besonderes Stückchen instrumentaler Musikkunst...“
www.stormbringer.at (Austria)
full review here
„...Aweseome, awesome Album...“
www.midlandsmetalheads.com (UK)
full review here
„... I was going to think I don't want to
expand my guitar gods section (G3, Yngwee and all the rest) but I had a
listen anyway and found the guitar musicianship rather superb...“
www.bearmetalradio.com (Switzerland)
„...Grandiose Musik...“
www.dark-metal-radio.de (Germany)
full review here
„ ...Definitely a 11 out of 10 on the crank it up meter!!!...“
www.hybridonlineradio.com (USA)
„...das ist richtig guter Stoff...“
www.larocksradio.com (Germany)
„...far beyond exceptional!...“
www.wayoutradio.co.uk (UK)
„...Totally love it...“
www.soultravellerradio.com (USA)
„...hell yeah...“
www.dangerousdradio.com (USA)
„...incredible, very good and relaxing...“
www.almasdemetal.com (Nicaragua)
„...grabs the ear, and that's hard to do when you're playing instrumentals...“
www.newvisionsradio.com (USA)
„...una tremenda canción instrumental en la que el guitarrista derrocha toda una gamma de talento en su música... MUY RECOMENDADO!...“
www.metal-sv.com (El Salvador)
„...Anhören lohnt sich!...“
www. imex-radio.jimdo.com (Austria)
„...Some very cool talent in the house...“
www.rockradio365.com (USA)
„...Es Un Grande Del Rock Internacional...“
www.radioandriiuus.net (Argentina)
„...kick out loud“...“
www.guitarneverlies.com (Bangladesh)
„...Guitar skills on point...“
www.fuzzfm.com (USA)
„...Great music...“
www.facebook.com/Guitar-Heroes-295692350484804 (USA)
„...Congratulations for the songs! Excellent!...a great guitarist...“
www.radioflyweb.it (Italy)
„...One of the best musicians I know.His music takes you on a magical journey...“
www.itmattersradio.com (USA)
„...Johannes Maria Knoll hat das Feeling, welches ich bei Satriani oft vermisse. Ein wirklich gelungener Braten...“
www.rockverdammt.de (GER)
„...transcended een plaat uitgebracht vol met muzikale hoogstandjes...“
www.hoexradio.nl (Netherlands)
full review here
„..."Transcended" es un balde fresco de buenos acordes y, sobre todo, de buen rock instrumental; es una bocanada de aire puro para los amantes del hard rock y de las texturas mágicas de una guitarra....“
www.lalibelularadio.com (Mexico)
full review here
„...Intensity and passion are two words I would use to describe the music Johannes Maria Knoll creates. With each riff, breakdown, and change up he gets your heart to quicken and releases your mind so you can create your own musical story, with his music. Transcended will truly take you on a spiritual adventure that by the end I wouldn't be surprised everyone has a moment of enlightenment...“
www.darklandpromotions.com (USA)
full review here